Wrong Week

A single use site that pulls the latest use of "I picked the wrong week" based on the line from "Airplane".


One day about 10 years ago, I had the funny idea for just seeing what folks were saying they picked the wrong day to quit whatever vice was currently bothering them. I figured most would be "drinking", "smoking" or "sniffing glue" based on the movie, but over the years, I've seen some pretty suprising items show up.


The original version of the site was developed purely in PHP. It had a very simple interface that listed the most recent tweet, as well as listed several of the most recent ones as well. This version stored the responses locally to a database and did some minimal parsing to weed out things like retweets.

Original PHP Version of WrongWeek.com (2011) - Please forgive my bad mouse art.
Original PHP Version of WrongWeek.com (2011) - Please forgive my bad mouse art.

One of the other things this version did was retweet the message to the @wrongweek Twitter account. This was mostly for my tests at writing and running a TwitterBot. This was one function that was not carried over to subsequent versions.

While learning NodeJS, I decided to revisit my old project for a cleanup and reimagine. This new version had a little more style, but dropped the database storage and retweeting functionality that the previous version had. It was developed with a NodeJS/Express based backend that connected to Twitter. On initial load, it would poll for the latest tweet with the catchphrase, but after that, it would listen for updates from the server via SocketIo. Overall - it was a fun project to revisit at the time.

Version 2 of WrongWeek.com (2017)
Version 2 of WrongWeek.com (2017)

Now that I'm moving into development of Serverless architecture and moving more and more into JamStack, I've decided to once again rebuild the site. This time, it will have a static front end, developed with VueJS as the framework. It will then connect to a serverless api that will handle searching Twitter and responding back. Hoping to conclude work on this project in the next month or so, and will update once it is launched.